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New Coronavirus classification change – what will change with the transition to type 5?


As of May 8th, it was decided that the new coronavirus infectious disease would be reassigned to “Type 5”. What will change if the classification is shifted to “Type 5”?

First of all, what does the classification of infectious diseases mean?

Currently, the new coronavirus infectious disease is said to be “equivalent to type 2”, but this “type 2” and “type 5” are established in the Infectious Disease Law.
Each infectious disease is comprehensively judged based on its infectivity and severity, and is classified as “type 1” through “type 5”, “infectious diseases such as new influenza”, and “designated infectious diseases”. Laws also stipulate the measures that can be taken for each category.

Positioning of new coronavirus infection

In the early stages of the epidemic, the new coronavirus infectious disease was provisionally defined as a “designated infectious disease”, and later changed to “infectious diseases such as new influenza”.
“Designated infectious diseases” are new infectious diseases that are not classified in categories 1 to 5, and are classified with a time limit in order to promptly take measures based on the law. You can customize the necessary steps among the measures taken against categories 1 to 3 infectious diseases. In addition, if new knowledge emerges, it is possible to change the measures by revising the ordinance.
By the way, the Infectious Diseases Control Law only puts restrictions on the infected.
Therefore, it is not possible to limit social activities as in an emergency declaration.
Therefore, in March 2020, the government designated the novel coronavirus as a target disease of the “Act on Special Measures against Pandemic Influenza” (special measures law), and in February 2021, in order to continue to make it a target disease of the special measures law. We changed its position in disease law from designated infectious diseases to infectious diseases such as new strains of influenza.

Things that change with the transition to class 5

So, what will change when it becomes “Type 5” after May 8? Type 5 is considered the same as seasonal influenza. Various measures are relaxed, as follows:


Masks, event regulations?

Wearing a mask is not primarily legally binding. It’s just a “request”.
Currently, it is not required outdoors and must be worn indoors.
In addition, it is expected that the containment restrictions for events will be lifted.
Until now, when shouting loudly at sports and concerts, the upper limit for admission was 50% of the venue capacity, but from now on, even if the attendance is at 100% capacity, if you wear a mask, being able to cheer and shout will be allowed

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